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Indonesia Masuk BRICS? DPR Siap Bahas Bareng Kemlu!


Beritaandalan.com Dengan izin Allah semoga kita selalu diberkati. Di Sini mari kita eksplorasi potensi Politik, Hubungan Internasional, Ekonomi yang menarik. Informasi Terkait Politik, Hubungan Internasional, Ekonomi Indonesia Masuk BRICS DPR Siap Bahas Bareng Kemlu Temukan info penting dengan membaca sampai akhir.

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Indonesia's potential entry into the BRICS economic forum has sparked discussions, with the country aiming to strengthen its position within the global south. The process of joining BRICS is still in its early stages, with the Indonesian government and the House of Representatives Commission I set to engage in further discussions.

Dave Laksono, Deputy Chair of Commission I, emphasized that Indonesia's decision to join BRICS is not about siding with any particular bloc. He clarified that the process is ongoing, with Indonesia's intention to join being the initial step.

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Rolliansyah Soemirat, stated that the final decision on Indonesia's membership will be made by the BRICS members themselves, following their established procedures.

Foreign Minister Sugiono, representing President Prabowo Subianto at the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, formally announced Indonesia's desire to join the economic group. He explained that Indonesia's intention to join BRICS stems from a desire to strengthen the interests of countries in the global south.

Sugiono conveyed President Prabowo's apologies for his absence at the summit due to pressing domestic commitments. He highlighted Prabowo's strong interest in attending the BRICS summit and expressed his gratitude for the invitation.

Itulah ulasan tuntas seputar indonesia masuk brics dpr siap bahas bareng kemlu yang saya sampaikan dalam politik, hubungan internasional, ekonomi Saya berharap Anda mendapatkan insight baru dari tulisan ini tetap semangat berkarya dan jaga kesehatan tulang. Sebarkan kebaikan dengan membagikan ke orang lain. Sampai bertemu di artikel berikutnya. Terima kasih banyak.

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